


releases/ products      
    Hug-Me Turtle is not just any soft toy! This turtle has personality for baby to love, and is specially designed to encourage baby's sensory and emotional development. Taylor the Hug- Me Turtle is soft, cuddly, soft
  Omron to release a robot cat
Oct 17, 2001
    Pet robots considered therapy for elderly
March 25, 1999
Web posted at: 12:24 p.m. EST (1724 GMT)
by Michael Drexler (IDG) --

Matsushita Electric announced its entry into the "pet" robot market on Wednesday with Tama, a robotic cat designed to be a conversation partner for elderly people. Unlike other robotic pets, like Tiger Electronic's Furby or Sony's Entertainment Robot, the catlike Tama will have more than just entertainment value, offering companionship and a variety of other services to the aged, said Matsushita. "The idea [behind Tama] is animal therapy," said Kuniichi Ozawa, General Manager of Matsushita Electric's Health and Medical Business Promotion Office. "A network system will enable the pets to speak to the elderly in natural way, especially to people who are living alone, and this will make them more comfortable." Tama can be connected via cell phone or ISDN line to a network system center, allowing health or social workers to send local news, medical information, and encouraging messages to elderly people. ...

New toy an interactive fur ball
October 5, 1998
Web posted at: 10:59 p.m. EDT (0259 GMT) NEW YORK (CNN) --
Shoppers are snatching up computerized fur balls at $35 a pop. And even though Christmas is still three months away, toy experts have declared the Furby (short for fur ball) the hottest toy of the season. Furbies have seven sensors to help them interact with you. One tells the fur ball when it's being fed. Another informs Furby when it's having its tummy tickled. The critters speak Furbish, a fantasy language. But the more you play with them, the more English they learn.


theory   Sympathethic Interfaces: Using a Plush Toy to Direct Synthetic Characters (1999)
Abstract: We introduce the concept of a sympathetic interface for controlling a synthetic animated character in a 3D virtual environment. A plush doll embedded with wireless sensors is used to manipulate the virtual character in an iconic and intentional manner. The interface extends from the novel physical input device through interpretation of sensor data to the behavioral "brain" of the virtual character. We discuss the design of the interface and focus on its latest instantiation in the Swamped! exhibit at SIGGRAPH '98. We also present what we learned from hundreds of casual users, who ranged from young children to adults. (Correct Abstract)
useful   ideas about sensor tech by Vanessa Stevens Colella
I am a graduate student in the Epistemology and Learning Group at MIT's Media Lab. I study how people, especially children, develop understandings of complex systems.

    eKatze für Altenpflege
Matsushita Electric hat nach Angaben der PC-World einen neuen, katzenähnlichen Roboter entwickelt, der in der Altenpflege Einsatz finden soll.,1510,10263,00.html Hinter diesem Tierchen verbirgt sich die Idee, daß alte, alleinstehende Menschen zu einem solchen Plüsch-Gefährten eine Beziehung aufbauen können, und daß die Roboter verschiedene kommunikative Funktionen im Leben der Alten übernehmen. Die Roboterkatzen können via ISDN bzw. via Mobilfunk in Kontakt zu Altenzentren nehmen und dort beispielsweise Informationen über Termine als elektronische Mail abholen. Liegen neue Nachrichten vor, dann kann die eKatze mit Hilfe einer einstudierten Sprachmitteilung darauf aufmerksam machen. Insgesamt 50 Mitteilungen dieser Art ("heute ist Karaoke-Tag, laß uns singen") kennt der Plüsch-Roboter auswendig. Hinter dem Plastikfell verbirgt die Katze eine ganze Menge komplizierter Elektronik. So läßt ein "autonomer Agent" die Katze selbst erkennen, wenn Schweigepausen zu lange dauern und es mal wieder Zeit für Unterhaltung ist. Mehrere Sensoren lassen die Katze unterschiedlich auf Fragen, Kommentare oder beispielsweise auch ein Kraulen hinter dem Ohr reagieren. Nur eines kann die Katze nicht nicht, sich selbständig fortbewegen. Der Grund: Während der Testphase hatten einige der älteren Probanden angegeben, daß sie keine Lust auf die Jagd nach einer elektronischen Katze hätten.

Tron Link Enterprises Co., Ltd. is a leading OEM manufacturer and designer of electronic toys as well as educational electronic kits and electronic talking books in Taiwan. It has been doing business with Japan's Bandai, Sega, Nintendo, Gakken, Konami, Kodansha and Agatsuma as well as some major U.S. companies, such as RadioShack stores, Toys R Us, etc. for 20+ years. Every year we will show off our new designs at various international toy fairs and electonics shows.

    All Games and Toys you want 2 find.

To be as a fancy handy phone bag.
She will dance and sing where there is a cellular message coming. Customer design are welcome.